آخر الأخبار
الصحافة الإيطالية تشيد بالطبيبة الكويتية أسماء الكندري بإشراف عمليات بغداد.. غلق مواقع ملوثة للبيئة وإنذارات لمعامل مخالفة المالية النيابية تحمل حكومة إقليم كردستان مسؤولية عدم الالتزام بالاتفاق النفطي بعد هجوم مفاجئ.. استنفار أكبر قاعدة تركية على الأراضي العراقية بغداد تموّل كردستان بتريليون دينار لصرف رواتب شباط الماضي

Iraqi Security forces Arrest a prominent paramilitary commander Aus El Khafaji

سياسة | 8-02-2019, 04:34 |

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Baghdad: Iraqi security forces raided headquarters of a Popular mobilization platoon known as(Abu Al fadhl Al Abbass), downtown Baghdad, and Arrest its commander (Aus El Khafaji),late on Thursday.

A press statement of the Popular Mobilization commander pointed to the raided headquarter of (Abu Al Fadhl Al Abbass) as a(Fake)one. And they had been ordered to be shutdown and evacuated and disarmed on the words of the statement.

However, the armed  individuals refused to obey the shutdown orders, then the Iraqi security forces were have to tackle the situation which lead to the detention of El Khafaji.

The statement also pointed to the raided site to be(Illegal) operated within a civilian neighborhood of Karrada on the east bank on Tigrais river downtown Baghdad.