آخر الأخبار
مجلس الوزراء يعقد جلسته الاعتيادية برئاسة السوداني أول تعليق مصري بعد سيطرة إسرائيل على الجانب الفلسطيني لمعبر رفح البرلمان ينشر جدول اعمال جلسته ليوم الخميس المقبل السوداني يتخذ ثلاثة قرارات عاجلة لقطع الطريق امام "مافيات الحنطة" في العراق البلوجرانا يحلم باستعادة إنريكي

Iraqi Army: No way to negotiate ISIS

سياسة | 17-01-2019, 05:50 |

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Baghdadtoday- Baghdad

Baghdad: "Our message as an Iraqi Army is :No negotiation with the terrorists of ISIS, in any circumstances, or in any way", Said Brigadier Yahia Rasool, the official speaker of Iraqi Army.

Rasool pointed in a statement that the only option available to the terrorists is to give-up their weapons, and surrender to the Iraqi security forces, and the Iraqi government would guarantee fair trial for them.

Rasool also revealed that the Iraqi security forces conducting continuous military operation  to eliminate the last traces of ISIS existence by the Iraqi-Syrian border and at Hemren Valley.

The statement also promise no mercy for those who insist to fight Iraqi Army, in its words.