Raising the official flags crises.. AbdulMahdi call for Federal Court consulting
سياسة | 11-01-2019, 14:49 |

Baghdad. A press
release of the Prime Minister office call for the Supreme Federal Court to be requested for legal opinion about the last crises of raising Kurdistan Flags in Kirkuk. The crises emerged when the PUK headquarters decided to raise the Kurdistan Flag beside the official Iraqi flag, which cause a ripple of condemnations in the disputed city of Kirkuk.
Meanwhile, Iraqi Federal Government sent units of Special Operations Forces( Also known as anti-terrorism division) to the tensioned city of Kirkuk to arrange a form of settlement and address the crises with PUK, and reports said there was an agreement indeed between the two parties.
On his part, An official speaker of PKD, repeated accusation to the PUK to triggering this dissipate by complicating their attitudes with Baghdad Authorities, and causing catastrophic withdrawal of Kurdish Peshmerga from Kirkuk in Oct,2017, In his words.