آخر الأخبار
وزير الداخلية يعزي بوفاة مدير قسم شؤون عشائر ميسان و3 منتسبين بحادث سير مخاوف عراقية من انتقال سجون "قسد" إلى "إدارة الشرع" وتأثيرها على الأمن القومي دورتموند يواجه برشلونة بدور الثمانية لأبطال أوروبا الحكومة تطمئن العراقيين: الرواتب مؤمنة "فوزي لقجع" يكتسح انتخابات الكونفدرالية الإفريقية لكرة القدم بمجلس الفيفا

Counter corruption effforts; A PMember, downplay AbdulMahdi steps

سياسة | 31-01-2019, 04:59 |

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Baghdadtoday - Baghdad

Baghdad: An Iraqi parliament member discredit Prime Minister Adel AbdulMahdi efforts in countering corruption efforts, pointing that the last one in forming a supreme council for countering corruption to be useless and an empty action, on his words.

Ahmed Al juboori, A parliament member said in his personal account on Twitter,”AbdulMahdi did not take in account the principle of  of the separation of powers when he chaired him self the supreme council for counter corruption efforts.

Al juboori also pointed to the necessity of termination of administrational attorney ship that most of governmental establishments specially in counter corruption field follow. Reminding that the integrity and anti-corruption commission still run under attorney position to headed it.