الصفحة الرئيسية / PUK  calling the Iraqi army out of Kirkuk

PUK  calling the Iraqi army out of Kirkuk

Sulaymaniah(KRG)- Sadi Peirah, The official speaker of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, called the Iraqi Federal Army and security forces out of Kikuk, he pointed in a press statement on Tuesday.

He also repeated the 'The general Public demands to elect a new governorate to the disputed province" on his words.

Sadi Peirah, pointed to a compromise matching in attitude between the PUK & PKD to call the Popular Mobilization's militants to withdrawal from the city "In order to de-militarize the daily life of Kirkuk", as he described. And he characterize the recent situation in the city to be an Anti-Kurdistan environment with tensions.

Meanwhile, the two parties(PUK & PKD) are facing a real challenges in forming the new cabinet of KRG after the last election of Sep 2018.

15-01-2019, 08:18
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