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KRG: Security developments . Protesters detained Turkish troopers.

سياسة | 26-01-2019, 10:10 |

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Dahuk : Infuriated furious protesters attack a Turkish security forces site healed inside KRG territories in Shelladez(Town east of Dahuk city), after several civilian casualties felled in Turkish airstrikes.
Eyewitnesses revealed that protesters detained Turkish troopers after setting fire in number of Turkish armored vehicles and military tanks. A local recourse pointed that the detained Turkish troopers handed over to the Asaish(Kurdish security forces)in the neighborhood.
Five protesters seriously injured in Turkish military open fire aiming to disjunction the demonstrations and protests. Also 5 Turkish Armored tanks reported to be totally set on fire.
The last protests and uprising burst out after Turkish airstrikes to PKK pockets in KRG caused casualties among Kurdish civilians in the northern of Dahuk Province, one of three KRG consist  the semi autonomy Kurdish area.